Stata 12 License File

I work for a semi-large research organization. One of our staff members requested a Stata 12MP package to be built for possible deployment to up to 250 staff.
The requirements were as follows:
Semi-silent (non user-interactive) installation of Stata 12MP on both Windows XP and
Windows 7-64bit systems that may or may not have Stata 11MP installed. If Stata 11MP
is installed, remove it before installing Stata 12MP. Also, make sure autoupdate functionality
is turned off and that the company license is automatically (and silently) installed.
Here is the logic I used to build the package:
1. Check for Stata 11 executable in Windows XP - if found, remove Stata 11.
2. Check for Stata 11 executable in Windows 7 - if found, remove Stata 11.
3. Check what OS we are using. If WinXP, install Stata12MP-32bit. If Win7, install Stata12MP-64bit.
4. Check what OS we are using and copy (autoupdate disabler) to the Stata 12 Program Files folder.
5. Check what OS we are using and copy STATA.LIC (Stata 12 license file) to the Stata 12 Program Files folder.
Here is how to build the package:
1. Create a '' (autoupdate disabler) file:
Create a new text file with notepad containing the following two lines:
set update_query off
set update_prompt off
Save file as ''.
2. To get the 'STATA.LIC' (Stata license) file:
Install Stata 12 manually and enter your license information on first run.
Stata saves your license information in its Program Files folder, named 'STATA.LIC'.
3. Create a folder with the original installation files, plus the '' and 'STATA.LIC' files.
4. Use the following script, created from the steps outlined above:
IF EXIST 'C:Program FilesStata11Stata*.exe' msiexec.exe /x {AE3795EC-AE7F-474E-B5A7-D693AA068039} /qb!
IF EXIST 'C:Program Files (x86)Stata11Stata*.exe' msiexec.exe /x {AE3795EC-AE7F-474E-B5A7-D693AA068039} /qb!
IF EXIST 'C:Program Files (x86)' (msiexec.exe /i Stata12MSI.msi ADDLOCAL=Ado,Core,StataMP64 /qb!) ELSE (msiexec.exe /i Stata12MSI.msi ADDLOCAL=Ado,Core,StataMP32 /qb!)
IF EXIST 'c:Program Files (x86)' (copy /y 'c:program files (x86)') ELSE (copy /y 'c:program files')
IF EXIST 'c:Program Files (x86)' (copy /y STATA.LIC 'c:program files (x86)') ELSE (copy /y STATA.LIC 'c:program files')
I saved to above script as 'install.bat' and placed that in a folder with my source files.
I then used 'IExpress' (a self extracting executable creator, built into Windows) to build the package. (
The install command I used in IExpress was: 'cmd.exe /c install.bat'. This allows the package to run on WinXP and Win7 64bit.
The package is now ready to be deployed using KACE, Altiris, SCCM, etc...
Thank you to rock_star for the info on the '' file.

Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
  • 09/14/2011
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Stata data files: Reading and writing to and from different file formats [DRAFT]

[You can skip straight to the examples if you prefer.]

Users of older versions of Stata will often want to read files created by newer versions of Stata. This can be difficult since, for example, Stata 12 cannot directly read data files created by Stata 13. Stata users will also often want to read data files that were created by some other program, e.g. SPSS, SAS, EXCEL. Conversely, using a Stata file in other software, such as SPSS, often requires that the file be converted into a format that that software can read.

Note: Stata data file formats sometimes change when a new version of Stata is released, and sometimes do not. Sergiy Radyakin points out that, since Stata 8, and up through Stata 13.1, Stata has used 4 different file formats. The four versions are

Stata 8 - Stata 9.2

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Stata 10.0 - Stata 11.2

Type, while Stata knows 27, so all Stata missings will become NA in R. If you need to keep track of Statas original missing types, you may use missing.type=TRUE. Stata dates are converted to R’s Date class the same way foreign handles dates. Stata 13 introduced a new character type called strL. StrLs are able to store strings up to 2 billion. Determine from the License and Activation Key whether you should install Stata/MP, Stata/SE, Stata/IC, or Small Stata. Decide where you want to install the Stata software. We recommend C: Program Files (x86) Stata13 on 64-bit Windows and C: Program Files Stata13 on 32-bit Windows. If you already have an old version of Stata on your.

Stata 12 - Stata 12.1

Stata 13 - Stata 13.1

Luckily, there are several programs, many of them free, that can make these tasks easier. Keep in mind that when converting between different formats some information may be lost or transformed (e.g. the new format may not be able to handle long strings; variable and value labels may get lost; variables may get renamed). For the programs listed below, read the documentation to find out about any known limitations or options you can use when converting. Keep in mind too that some of these programs are considered beta and hence may have problems that haven't been discovered yet.

Stat/Transfer (Commercial Software)- This may be the best option if you can afford it and/or can become Best Friends Forever with somebody who has a copy. Stat/Transfer reads and writes dozens of different file formats. Academic users, and students in particular, benefit from lower pricing. If you only need this program occasionally, harass your computing center to buy a copy that can be placed on a shared/public computer.

saveold (Official Stata Command) - saveold saves the dataset currently in memory in the format most recently previously used by Stata. If you have Stata 14, you can save in Stata 11, 12, or 13 format. If you are using Stata 13, the file will be saved in Stata 12 format. If you are using Stata 12 the file is saved in Stata 10.0 - 11.2 format. If using Stata 10 or 11 the file is saved in Stata 8 - Stata 9.2 format. This is especially useful if you have upgraded to the latest version of Stata while a person you are collaborating with is still using the previous version. It isn't enough, though, if you need to convert to an even older Stata version.

saveto9 (freeware, Sergiy Radyakin) - saveto9 converts dta files created by newer versions of Stata (up to version 12 as of this writing) into the format used by Stata 9 (which was also used by Stata 8). This is useful when sharing files with people who have really ancient versions of Stata. It is also useful if you want a file that can be read by SPSS (and perhaps other programs) since SPSS can only read Stata files written in the older format. saveto9 is a standalone program and does not require that Stata be installed. If you are using Stata 13, you can use saveold to save the file in Stata 12 format and then use saveto9 to convert to Stata 9 format.

savespss (freeware, Sergiy Radyakin) - savespss will export data from Stata's memory into an SPSS system datafile (*.sav).

usespss (freeware, Sergiy Radyakin) - USESPSS loads an SPSS-format (*.sav) dataset into memory. It supports compressed and non-compressed SPSS files from Windows and UNIX/Mac platforms. It preserves the variable and value labels, long variable names, extended missing values, and provides optimization of variable types. USESPSS is implemented as a plugin for 32-bit Stata for Windows (does not work in 64 bit).

use13 (freeware, Sergiy Radyakin) - use13 lets Stata 10-12 users read dta files created by Stata 13.

export (Official Stata Command) - export takes the Stata data in memory and exports it to one of several different formats. These include Excel, delimited (comma separated values (CSV), tab delimited), ODBC, Outfile (comma separated/ space separated/ fixed column format), sasxport, and xml. Many programs can read files created in one of these formats, so they may be a good choice if a direct conversion to the format you want is not possible. You will often lose a lot of information though, like value and variable labels.

import (Official Stata Command) - import lets Stata read data that is in one of several different formats. These include Excel, delimited (comma separated values (CSV), tab delimited), ODBC, Outfile (comma separated/ space separated/ fixed column format), sasxport, xml, and Haver Analytics database file.

read.dta and write.dta - If you are an R user, these programs read and write Stata files. I believe Stata 12 is the last supported version. I have never used R, so use at your own risk.

EXAMPLES. Stat/Transfer is often the best solution or at least easiest solution for dealing with common problems; but if you don't have it here are some other alternativess.

Problem. A data file created in Stata 13 needs to be accessed by users with older versions of Stata.

Solution 1. Users of Stata 10-12 can use use13 to read the file.

Solution 2. Use saveold in Stata 13 to save the file in Stata 12 format.

Solution 3. If even older versions of Stata need to be able to read the file, then use saveto9 (after using saveold to get the file in Stata 12 format).

Problem. A Stata 13 (or earlier) data file needs to be read by SPSS.

Solution 1. Use savespss.

Solution 2. Use saveold (if using Stata 13) to save the file in Stata 12 format and then use saveto9 . Just go straight to saveto9 if the file is in Stata 10-12 format.

Problem. Stata needs to read a file in a format not mentioned above.

Solution 1. Have somebody who has the program that created the file resave the file in a format that Stata can read.

Solution 2. If nobody has the necessary software you may need to break down and find a copy of Stat/Transfer .

Problem. A Stata file needs to be read by a program not mentioned above.

Solution 1. Find out what formats the program can read and then save a file in that format. Ideally the other software will be able to read at least an old version of Stata, or else SPSS sav files or SAS xport files. If worse comes to worst, most programs can read CSV (Comma Separated Values) files.

Stata 12 License File Online

Solution 2. Again, quit your insane penny-pinching and get Stat/Transfer. Your time is worth something too, and this is the kind of task that could take forever and the final solution still may not be optimal. Stat/Transfer, on the other hand, might be able to do it in less than a minute.

Stata 12 License Files

Please send any additions, corrections or other suggestions to Richard Williams.