Mahadeva You Are The Source Of Life In All Song Download

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  3. Source Of Life Red Lightning
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  5. Mahadeva You Are The Source Of Life In All Song Downloads
  6. Mahadeva You Are The Source Of Life In All Song Download Mp3

Now Mahadeva has given you all the process. What mantras you have to chant and how many times you have to chant them. You have to keep them in 5 different vessels, what kind of vessels. And eventually render it to nectarine nature and declare your oneness to Mahadeva. So you are supposed to declare your oneness with Mahadeva before you use. Yoga of Life Festival - Russia, 12-18 September 2011 Bhakti Festival – Ratha Yatra Parade, Berlin – 10 to 14 June 2011 Birmingham Festival of Harikatha 24-27 June 2011 (arrive 23).

Kartikeya: The outside of garden may not be open...
Prabhupāda: [Hindi] ...mandāḥ, all bad men. Mandā sumanda-matayaḥ [SB 1.1.10]. And if he is supposed to be a good man, he will manufacture some mata, manda-mata, not approved by the śāstras. This is going on. They will not hear Kṛṣṇa. They will give quotation from Brahma-kumārī. This is the greatest defect of modern civilization, that they won't accept real authority. They will create some authority. Or rascal, he becomes authority. Especially in India, this is the drawback. In the Western countries they do not know much about this. Therefore they accept what I say. But here they bring so many. So such an important man, he is bringing authority Brahma-kumārī, a house of prostitution. If he is bringing their quotation as authority, then what to speak of others? [break] Just like that Christian convent house. They supply woman to rich men, and they supply money. That's all. This is Brahma-kumārī. Rich man, the same disease is there---yan maithunādi-gṛhamedhi-sukha hi tuccham [SB 7.9.45]. So if they get facility for some maithuna, they will give you money. [Hindi] ...prostitute, procurement house. Hmm? Brahmānanda? Convent house? What is that convent house? It is not prostitution? That's all.
Brahmānanda: Usually it's between the priests and the nuns.
Mahadeva You Are The Source Of Life In All Song Download
Prabhupāda: Unless one is actually spiritually situated, this material center of happiness, maithunādi, that will go anywhere. You give any color, spiritual or religious or political. You see? Why Gandhi's āśrama failed? Do you know that?
Prabhupāda: This is... When Gandhi was in jail, when he came back he saw all pregnant. You did not know that?
Kartikeya: No, we imagined, but we don't have information.
Prabhupāda: That what... Gandhi said, 'What is this āśrama?'
Indian man (1): No, but Gandhi... He is well known, very well known.
Indian man (1): Including Mahadev Desai and all, there were lot of complaints and countercomplaints.
Prabhupāda: Yes. It cannot be. You cannot stop the sex unless you are fully in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. It is not possible. And that is the material bondage. In the material prison house they have got so many means---big, big walls, handcuff, chain---but nature is so perfect that simply give you a beautiful woman and you are all prisoner. Big wall, handcuff and chain---everything is complete. I think I have discussed in my recent purports.
Indian man (2): Even in case of Mahadev Desai, it was a classic incident, that his wife came one day to Gandhiji, that 'This man is your personal writer, but he is going on with another woman in your camp.'
Indian man (2): 'And he comes only because of that woman. Otherwise he is not willing to be your personal writer. So I have complained.' Then Gandhiji said, 'All right, when did you know it?' So she said, 'I was thinking for the three months, but fifteen days before I came.' 'All right, Mahadeva, you come here. You will fast for fifteen days.' And one week later Mahadev Desai decides that he wanted food very badly. So after seven days he was about to die. Then that woman, wife, came again, 'Mahārāja, I made a mistake. I made a complaint. All right. But now this man will die, and where I will go?' [indistinct] 'Then why have you made a complaint? So you can take off for seven days, but you fast for seven days.' So he is relieved.
Prabhupāda: One---there are so many cases. This Lilavati Munshi, this is the same thing. You know that? There is a big history behind this.
Kartikeya: The failures are due to some basic reason. All the big people have failed, and they have not been able to deliver the country or anything because their moral character...
Prabhupāda: No, no, even they have delivered the country, these physical elements you cannot avoid.
Prabhupāda: You cannot avoid unless you are on the transcendental platform, Kṛṣṇa consciousness. So long you are on the physical platform, you cannot avoid. It is impossible. [Hindi] Gandhiji... [Hindi] ...mistake. [Hindi] 'And physical? Oh, you have done this? Fifteen days' fasting.'
Indian man (1): What is alternative? What do you do when...
Prabhupāda: No, no, alternative, that alternative will not correct. That is the defect of Gandhi's movement. He is supposed to be reading Bhagavad-gītā, but he has never said, recommended, Kṛṣṇa worship. That is the defect of his education. Rather, he denied the existence of Kṛṣṇa = 'I don't believe if any person as Kṛṣṇa ever lived.' This is his concept. Gandhi has written in his life that while his father was dying he was enjoying sex with his wife. You know that?
Prabhupāda: No, no. After, he became a great sage. That is all right. But in the beginning everyone is subjected. [aside:] Which way we shall...
Prabhupāda: [Hindi conversation] Brahmānanda, you just take an idea. We shall construct gurukula in this pattern.
Prabhupāda: Yes. Yes. Exactly. Double or three-storied.
Prabhupāda: Very simple type, very nice. Just get a sketch with your work. This will be done like that.
Brahmānanda: I'll ask Bhārgava. He has his camera. He can take photographs.
Prabhupāda: Yes. And downstair, all shops. Only the road side. Other side...
Brahmānanda: Oh, no. That's the courtyard, and then other side, a building. [break]
Bhavānanda: the gurukula best thing is outdoors classes. As soon as they're in rooms it gets too hot.
Bhavānanda: Best place in Māyāpur is on the verandas of the big building. It's perfect.
Prabhupāda: No. No. Inside. Outside closed. [break] that reinforced concrete. All brick. This is all brick. [Hindi] You have got that brick manufacturing concern near?
Prabhupāda: Take as many bricks as you like. And we have got one address, you have taken, Agra, they will supply this lime. [break] [Hindi] men. Still, they are adulterating cement. [Hindi] [break] I heard it from very reliable source, my teacher. He was second teacher in my school, graduate, very good gentleman. He said that Edward VIII, er, VII, he was stealing jewels. You see?
Prabhupāda: Emperor of British Empire, and he was a thief. Just see.
Brahmānanda: You've said that a fly sitting on a throne is still a fly.
Prabhupāda: Yes. [break] gentleman, young man, he was very rich man's son. He would come in the evening in the Howrah station nicely dressed and would approach any gentleman, 'Sir, I am very sorry, I have lost my purse. Can you give me? Otherwise I cannot return.' So he will collect five, ten rupees and go to a restaurant and eat and go home. [break] It is the second nature. Now the door is open? We can go?
Indian man (4): Physical world, this earth is there. Are there any other earthly planets of this type where human beings or other beings are staying other than spiritual beings?
Indian man (4): Why the information is not given about that?
Prabhupāda: Why not? In Bhāgavata there is all information.
Indian man (4): About the other earthly planets also?
Prabhupāda: Oh, yes. All, every each and every planet = Janaloka, Tapoloka, Maharloka, what kind of men are living there, what they are doing---everything is there. Svargaloka.
Indian man (4): But do they not come here sometimes to visit us or we cannot go there?
Prabhupāda: But you cannot see them. Your philosophy is unless you see, you don't believe. That is your philosophy. But you do not consider what you can see. That is the defect of this imperfect world, that people do not think that they are imperfect. With all imperfectness, they think they are perfect. That is the defect. Therefore it is said, andha. One is blind, and he is becoming the leader of other blind men. Andhā yathāndhair upanīyamānās te 'pīśa-tantryām uru-dāmni baddhāḥ [SB 7.5.31]. Īśa-tantrya, by the laws of nature, he is bound up very tight, hands and legs, and he is thinking he is free to think, free to see, free to... That is the defect. He is not at all free, completely under the clutches of material laws, and he is thinking that he is free. That is the defect. And when this sense come, that 'I am not free; everything is forced upon me,' then he becomes human being. Otherwise he's a dog. Just like, you see, if a dog thinks he is free. He is jumping here, there. He is thinking, 'I am independent,' barking, attacking somebody. Oh, he is thinking he is free to do everything. When one comes to this sense, that he is not free, that is beginning of human life. Athāto brahma jijñāsā. Then the question will be that 'Why I am not free? What is the reason?' Then that is..., real human life begins. Otherwise he's a dog. Is it correct or not? What do you think? If one is not free and wrongly thinks that he is free, then what is that mentality? A doggish mentality. And if I say, 'Yes, you are free. You can think in any way you like, that is correct,' then you become more encouraged to become..., to remain a fool, to continue. That's all. [aside:] So we shall go now? That is the defective part of modern civilization. Everyone is thinking, 'I am free.' Is it not? Everyone.
Indian man (5): Yes. 'I am perfect. I am like this.'
Indian man (5): He thinks who is living under the delusion.
Prabhupāda: That is explained in the Bhagavad-gītā, Sixteenth Chapter. 'I am...' Aḍhyo 'smi dhanavān asmi ko'sti mama samaḥ: 'Who is there like me, intelligent? I will do this. I will do that.' These are all...
Prabhupāda: Yes. Therefore Kṛṣṇa has imposed death, that 'You may make your plan as free man, but you'll not be allowed to stay. I'll kick you out.' These poor men, they did not think of it, that 'I am making so nice plan, but at any moment I'll be kicked out. So where is my freedom?' Dull brain does not think of it. A prisoner, if he thinks that he is free to act, is it not foolishness? A prisoner, in prison, and if he thinks that he is free to act, is it not foolishness? So that they do not think. Therefore Kṛṣṇa has grouped them = mūḍha, these rascals, mūḍha. They conduct freedom movement. Just like in our country also, before this British Empire or this Muhammadan Empire there was no knowledge about this freedom. Indian people never thought of freedom. They know that 'We are not free. Where is the question of freedom?' These things have come from the foreign countries, 'freedom movement.' What is freedom? Where are you free? You are completely under the laws of nature. Where is your freedom? So they were thinking of greater freedom, to get out of the clutches of the laws of nature. That is real freedom. What is this freedom? From frying pan to the fire? [chuckles] Now we have come freedom means from frying pan to the fire. Formerly there was one viceroy. Now in each state three dozen viceroys, and you have to maintain that. So many legislators, so many secretaries, so many ministers. All, they are sucking our poor blood. That's all. Hare Kṛṣṇa. And as soon as you approach them for some grievances, 'All right, give me application,' and, after six months, 'No.' So we are maintaining for this purpose? Yes. 'I say no.' That's all. [aside:] Hare Kṛṣṇa. Jaya. [break] ...speaking of freedom, but we have no freedom even to stay in this body.
Indian man (5): Somebody else is controlling that.

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Prabhupāda: Yes. We learn that na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre [Bg. 2.20]. 'This is my position. I am eternal. So why I am obliged to accept body which is hanyamāna?' These questions do not bother them. And where is my freedom? 'I am eternal.' Na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre. 'I do not die after the destruction of my body.' Then why I am put into this body which will be destroyed, which will become old, useless? And where is my freedom? These things do not bother them, and they are reader of Bhagavad-gītā.
Indian man (6): Somebody told that they are made to come here...
Prabhupāda: No, that we shall consider. First of all we have to see that I learn that my position is na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre [Bg. 2.20]. So why I am put into this body, which is hanyamāna? [aside:] Hare Kṛṣṇa. Jaya. Yes. [Hindi] They want to remain in darkness, and any leader who will keep him in the darkness in flowery language, he will be welcomed = 'Oh, he is very good leader.' 'And this man is very conservative = 'Don't do this, don't do this, don't do this.' ' So here is freedom. 'Whatever you like, you do'---here is freedom. If this rascal does not do what you do and you go to hell, that is their business. Kṛṣṇa therefore says, 'You rascal, where is your freedom?' Janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi-duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam [Bg. 13.9]. First of all you see. Janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi. So where is your freedom? First of all get out of these things; then question of freedom. Janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi-duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam. This is your knowledge, that 'Where is my freedom? If I am under the rules and regulation of janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi, then where is my freedom?' [aside:] Hare Kṛṣṇa. Jaya. Simply rubber-stamped freedom will help me? Suppose I was dependent on British rule, and now I have become free. So will this help me to get freedom from janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi? Then? Where is my freedom? What are major questions, they have set aside. 'Don't discuss all these things, and bother your head with trifle things.' And our philosophy is that 'Don't bother with these trifle things. Just seriously think of the major problems.' This is our philosophy. Hare Kṛṣṇa. [break] Teṣām ahaṁ samuddhartā mṛtyu-saṁsāra-sāgarāt [Bg. 12.7]. Samuddahartā, just to deliver them from this ocean of mṛtyu-saṁsāra. That is not care. Real freedom is given by Him---that you don't care. [break] ...will be given by Kṛṣṇa. This is no freedom. Here the so-called freedom-giver, he has no freedom. And what he will give, freedom? Gandhiji preached so much about nonviolence, and nonviolence said, 'All right, you have no freedom from nonviolence. You die.' [Hindi] [break] there, there is no question of freedom. [end]

Shri Shri Shiva Mahadeva

The embodied soul is supreme, whole, eternal, consisting of nothing, stainless. It is the ultimate atomic particle, the Natha. It is supreme Shiva, all pervading. It is the ultimate, that jiva, it is Hamsa, the soul of Shakti -

The daily puja or worship outlined below is taken from a panchanga or ritual manual. The puja is based on the worship of the lingam, Shiva's emblem and an obvious symbol for the penis.

In Hindu temples devoted to Shiva, the lingam, very often associated with a yoni as its base, is generally placed before an image of Nandi the bull, his vehicle or vahana. Before bowing to the lingam itself, the worshipper touches the testicles of the bull, which sits facing the lingam. Often, the lingam is part of a combined yoni-lingam symbol, representing the male and female sexual organs. Flowers and liquid are poured over the lingam and yoni emblem.

Shiva is also known as Maheshvar, the great Lord, Mahadeva, the great God, Shambhu, Hara, Pinakadhrik, bearer of the axe and Mrityunjaya, conqueror of death. He is the spouse of Shakti, the goddess. He also is represented by Mahakala and Bhairava, the terrible, as well as many other forms including Rudra. Shiva is often pictured holding the damaru (sound file .wav format: 190K), an hour-glass shape drum, shown below with his trishula. His usual mantra is om namah shivaya.

In the image top left, Shiva is shown as a sadhu, a yogin. He is the Lord of Yoga. On his matted locks is a crescent moon, from which streams the river Ganga. Around his neck and arms are serpents, while he also wears the rudraksha beads sacred to him. He is smeared with ash, as that is all that remains at the dissolution of the universe, which he presides over. This dissolution of the universe comes when his third eye opens, the whole metaphor referring to the realisation of one's own consciousness, which is Shiva. His right hand shows the mudra dispelling fear, while in his left he holds the trident, symbol of the three worlds, on which is bound the damaru. He sits on a tiger skin and on his right is a water pot.

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Shiva is fivefold, his five faces being Ishana, Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vamadeva and Sadjyojata, and eightfold (see puja below) as the eight directions. Shiva-Shakti also have a form called Ardhanarishvara, the meditation image showing the devi as red coloured and voluptuous, as one half of the body, the deva as the other half having a terrifying and fierce aspect.

Source Of Life Red Lightning

Mahadeva Shiva is also lord of all beings of the underworld, including bhutas (elementals), pretas (ghosts), and pishachas (flesh eaters) and the rest. He is sometimes pictured on a horse, followed by his retinue of siddhas (accomplished ones), bhairavas (terrifying forms of Shiva), yogis and the rest. As Rudra, he is identified with the star Sirius (Sothis), and is the supreme hunter.

The lingam used in Shiva puja is often made of different materials. While the Todala Tantra recommends lingas made of clay, they are also fashioned from quartz, stone, and in the case of the Matrikabheda Tantra, an alchemical work, from a Mercury amalgam.

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Shiva Puja

Om I bow to Shiva and the five devatas and offer this scent and flower Om! Om I bow to the Sun and the planets and offer this scent and flower Om! Om I bow to the Guardians of the Directions and offer this scent and flower Om! Om I bow to all Goddesses and offer this scent and flower Om! Om I bow to the guru! (Left) Om I bow to the guru's guru! (Right) Om I bow to the source of the gurus! (Centre) Om I bow to Ganesha. Om namah shivaya. Om hail to Hara. (Establish Linga in North) Om I bow to Maheshvara. (Oblate Linga) Om O One Holding the Trident, truly be here!

Nyasa -- Placing

Mahadeva You Are The Source Of Life In All Song Download

Om Sham I bow to the thumbs Namah. Om Shim I bow the index fingers Svaha. Om Shum I bow to the middle fingers Vashat. Om Shaim I bow to the ring fingers Hum. Om Shaum I bow to the little fingers Vaushat. Om Shah I bow to the front and back of hands Phat. Om Sham to the heart Namah. Om Shim to the head Svaha. Om Shum to the peak Vashat. Om Shaim to the armour Hum. Om Shaum to the 3 eyes Vaushat. Om Shah to the missile Phat.

Dhyana -- Meditation

Om. Meditate always on Mahesha, like a mountain of silver, with a beautiful crescent Moon as his crest-gem, whose body is as bright as a jewel, gracious of appearance, his hands holding axe, deer, bestowing boons and dispelling fear, seated in the lotus position, surrounded and praised on all sides by immortals, wearing a tiger-skin, seed and sprout of the Cosmos, destroying fear, with five faces and three eyes. (Place a flower on the head. Perform mental worship. Place the flower on the linga.) O Bearer of the Staff, enter herein! Indwell here! Reside here! Reside here! May happiness be here! May happiness be here! O Rudra, I perform your worship!

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Upachara -- Offerings

Om hail to Pashupati. (Bathe Linga) Om this is water. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is arghya. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is for sipping. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is for bathing. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is scent. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is flower. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is birch-leaf. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is incense. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is flame. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is food. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is for sipping again. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is betel nut. Om namah Shivaya! Om I offer this scent and flower to Sharva, the Earth form (East) Om I offer this scent and flower to Bhava, the Water form (NE) Om I offer this scent and flower to Rudra, the Fire form (N) Om 1 offer this scent and flower to Ugra, the Air form (NW) Om I offer this scent and flower to Bhima. the Aether form (W) Om I offer this scent and flower to Pashupati, the Magician form (SW) Om I offer this scent and flower to Ishana, the Sun form (S) Om I offer this scent and flower to Mahadeva, the Moon form (SE) Om hail to Nandi. Om hail to Bhringini. Om hail to Kshetrapala. Om hail to Vamadeva.

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Japa -- Mantra Recitation

Hara Maheshvara Shulapani Pinakadhrik Pashupati Shiva Mahadeva!

You are the secret at the core of every secret! Take this recitation! O Maheshvara, of Your grace, bestow siddhi on me! All hail to You, O one with closed eyes! Hail to You, with divine vision! Hail to You who holds the staff! Hail to You who holds the Vajra! Hail to You who holds the trident, sceptre, noose and sword in Your hands! Hail to You, Natha of the Three Worlds, the Lord of all Beings! Om namah Shivaya. Hail to You the Peaceful One! Cause of the 3 Causes! I offer myself to You, O Parameshvara, You who are my goal and refuge!