Akreditasi Ban Pt

Cara cek akreditasi BAN-PT kampus dan jurusan kuliah bisa kamu lakukan dengan mudah secara online di situs resmi BAN-PT, yaitu www.banpt.or.id. Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) merupakan lembaga yang memiliki wewenang untuk menentukan nilai akreditasi suatu perguruan tinggi.

University of Nusa Cendana or abbreviated UNDANA is one of the state universities geographically located in regional/provincial areas of Indonesia and Undana is located in the city of Kupang, West Timor, the capital city of the province of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. It is the only state university located at the extreme south-east of Indonesia. It is srategically positioned at the Pacific rim and closest to neighbouring Australia, New Zealand, and Democratic Republic of Timor Leste. Since its establishment in 1962, Undana has now prevailed with 8 faculties containing 38 Departments and 40 study programmes as well as a postgraduate program with 5 master degree study programmes. Undana has; over 800 lecturers, over 13,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students and over 400 supporting staff. After its 46th anniverssary on 1 September 2008, Undana has produced nearly 32,000 graduates; over 70% of whom are working at the public services in the province as well as in 20 districts within the province of NTT. Many of them are currently holding management positions; which made Undana proud of its standing in the region. However, by comparison to other universitis in Java and other countries in south east Asia, we realised that we have only prevailed mostly in teaching and has yet to play a significant role in the areas of research, and development as well as community services. Almost all research results attained by students and lecturers have not reached developmental stages towards practical application. This is the hardest part of existence especially when this university eventually becomes an autonomous higher education institution in not too distant future.
It is a great challenge to build Undana in various areas to achieve its objectives. Cooperation, network and support from central, provincial and district governments as well as from very well establsihed higher education institutions in-country and more importantly from overseas such as from universities/research centres in Japan and other countries in Asia, United States, European Union member countries, Canada, Australia and New Zealand is essential to accelerate the process of becoming a more independent and well-respected university at both national and international scene.

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No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
108S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangBudidaya Perairan0072004C2007-03-12
208S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangNutrisi dan Makanan Ternak0122004A2009-04-16
308S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangBudidaya Pertanian0212004B2009-06-17
408S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia0522004B2009-12-21
508S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn)0162004B2009-05-07
608S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Sejarah0122004B2009-04-16
708S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Kimia0122004B2009-04-16
808S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Fisika0212004B2009-06-17
908S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangIlmu Tanah0242005B2010-12-27
1008S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangProduksi Ternak0202005B2010-10-27
1108S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangSosial Ekonomi Pertanian0232005B2010-12-22
1208S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangIlmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan0212005B2010-11-17
1308S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Ekonomi0102006B2011-08-03
1408S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Bahasa Inggris0142006B2011-09-07
1508S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangKesehatan Masyarakat0262006B2011-01-12
1608S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangTeknik Mesin0312007C2012-12-29
1708S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangIlmu Administrasi Niaga0032008B2013-05-02
1808S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangIlmu Administrasi Negara0322008B2013-12-05
1908S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Geografi0032008B2013-05-02
2008S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangTeknik Sipil0322008C2013-01-12
2108S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangTeknik Elektro0192008C2013-08-24
2208S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Biologi0022009B2014-04-02
2308S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangIlmu Hukum0212009B2014-07-31
2408S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangSosiologi0252009B2014-08-28
2508S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Teknik Elektro0102009C2014-05-23
2608S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Teknik Mesin0152009C2014-06-19
2708S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Matematika0132009C2014-06-05
2808S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangPendidikan Teknik Bangunan0152009C2014-06-19
2908S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangKimia0422010B2015-01-22
3008S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangMatematika0422010C2015-01-22
3108S1Univ. Nusa Cendana, KupangBiologi0422010C2015-01-22

Organization Chart
Prof. Ir. Frans Umbu Datta, M.App.Sc; PhD
Prof. DR. I.G. Arjana, MS
Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Ir. D. Roy Nendissa, MP
Deputy Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Financial Affairs

O.S. Eoh, SH., MS
Ir. F.H. Lawalu, MS
Deputy Vice Chancellor for Cooperations

Prof. Dr. Ir. Jublin F. Bale-Therik, MS
Drs. Lukas Bili Bora, MS
Dean, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

Prof. Dr. Aloysius Liliweri, MS
Ir. Agustinus Konda Malik, MS
Dean, Faculty of Animal Science

Sukardan Aloysius, SH, MHum.
Dr. Ir. Samuel Pakan, MS
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture

Drs. M.J. Pella, M.Sc.
Ir. Gustaf Oematan, MSi
Dean, Faculty of Community Health

dr. A.A. Heru Tjahyono, Sp OG
Ir. F. L. Benu, MSi, Ph.D
Head, Undana Research Institute

Drs. Paul Isliko, MSi
Ir. Marthen M.J. Kappa, M.Agr.Sc.

Akreditasi Ban Pt Universitas Terbuka

Head, Institute for Development of Teaching and Learning

Ir. Heru Sutedjo, MSc., Ph.D
Head, Institute for Quality Insurance and Internal audit

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Universitas Pakuan or UNPAK was established on 1 November 1980 with the Decree No: Skep-27/YKS/VIII-A/10/1980, within the auspices of the Foundation Pakuan Siliwangi. UNPAK campus is located on Jl. Pakuan PO Box 452, Bogor. Currently UNPAK has six faculties: the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Mathematics and Science.
In addition to S1, UNPAK D3 also has a program (Accounting, Taxation, and Financial Management and Banking), S2 Program (Education Management, Education, Population and Environment, Legal Studies, Biology, Management). In the academic year 2008/2009, the overall UNPAK offering 31 programs of study.

Vision, Mission and Objectives

UNPAK vision of 'Higher Education Universities Pakuan as an Asset to Society of Indonesia.'
The mission statement is:
1. Conducting an independent higher education.
2. Presents educational programs and development of science, technology and art of quality.
3. Fostering human resources to recognize his true identity.
4. Produce quality graduates, a certain character, faithful and patriotic.
Akreditasi ban pt unpad 5. To serve the nation and the Republic of Indonesia.
UNPAK educational purposes, as follows:
1. Formed human development obedient to God the god and the spirit of Pancasila, devoted, dedicated and have a great sense of responsibility towards the future of the Nation and the Republic of Indonesia.
2. Experts preparing a competent, skilled, qualified, and able to independently carry out tasks that require higher educational outcomes.
3. Conducting research in the field of science, technology, and dedication to the community.
4. Excavate and preserve the cultural values of the Indonesian Nation who cling to the motto 'Unity in Diversity' for the sake of future generations and preserve the national identity.


No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
104S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorBiologi0292004A2009-07-23
204D-IIIUniv. Pakuan, BogorManajemen Perpajakan0142004B2009-12-21
304S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorPendidikan Biologi0532004B2009-12-21
404S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorSastra Inggris0232004B2009-06-18
504S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorTeknik Geologi0462004B2009-11-08
604S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorTeknik Sipil0332004B2009-08-13
704S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorTeknik Geodesi0072006C2009-06-29
804S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorSastra Jepang0242005B2010-12-27
904D-IIIUniv. Pakuan, BogorAkuntansi0012005B2010-01-28
1004S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorManajemen0012005B2010-01-28
1104S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorMatematika0012005B2010-01-28
1204S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorAkuntansi0212005B2010-11-17
1304S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorTeknik Planologi0102005B2010-07-07
1404S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorTeknik Elektro0102005B2010-07-07
1504S2Univ. Pakuan, BogorManajemen Pendidikan0022006A2011-05-11
1604S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorIlmu Komputer0012006B2011-05-04
1704S2Univ. Pakuan, BogorPendidikan Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup0162006B2011-10-19
1804S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorKimia0292008B2013-11-13
1904S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorPendidikan Bahasa Inggris0162008B2013-08-03
2004S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorFarmasi0012008C2013-04-18
2104S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorIlmu Hukum0162009B2014-06-26
2204S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorSastra Indonesia0212009B2014-07-31
2304S1Univ. Pakuan, BogorPendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia0062009B2014-04-30
2404S2Univ. Pakuan, BogorIlmu Hukum0212009C2014-01-23

Element Leader

Akreditasi Ban Pt Swasta

UNPAK headed by a chancellor and was accompanied by four people provost. I Purek charge of academic, Purek II field general and financial administration, student affairs field Purek III and IV Purek field of public relations and cooperation.
The names of the leaders UNPAK period 2008-2012:

Akreditasi Ban Pt Jurusan

Dr. Rector. Bibin Rubini, MPD. Drs.
Bid Provost. Academic Oding Sunardi, MPD. Drs.
Bid Provost. Adm. and Finance Srie Sudaryati, MM. SE.
Bid Provost. Student Ir. Adil Amin Sjafrie, MPD.
Bid Provost. Public Relations & Cooperation Bintatar Sinaga, SH. MH.
UNPAK organization composed of six faculty (21 S1, five courses D3), Graduate S2 (with five courses of study), Institute for Research and Development (CSD), the Public Service Institute (LPM), Organization Development and Instructional Improvement Activities (LP2AI ), Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs Administration (BAAK), Bureau of Public Administration (Baum), Central Library, Language Laboratory and Computer Laboratory.
The elements of leadership in environmental UNPAK 2007-2011 period.

Akreditasi Ban Pt Universitas Padjadjaran

F. Hukum Dekan Dr. Sri Utari, SH. MH.
Pembantu Dekan I Iwan Darmawan, SH. MH.
Pembantu Dekan II Tuti K. Susilawati, SH. MH.
Pembantu Dekan III Suhermanto, SH. MH.
F. Ekonomi Dekan Prof. Dr. Eddy Mulyadi S
Pembantu Dekan I Soemarno, SE. MBA.
Pembantu Dekan II Jaenudin, MM. SE.
Pembantu Dekan III Sri Hartini, MM. SE.
F. KIP Dekan Deddy Sofyan, MPd. Drs.
Pembantu Dekan I Lestari S, MPd. Dra.
Pembantu Dekan II Cahyati, Dra.
Pembantu Dekan III Aam Nurjaman, MPd. Drs.
F. Sastra Dekan Agnes Setyowati, MHum.
Pembantu Dekan I Dr. Leany Nani Harsa
Pembantu Dekan II Shita Dewi Ratih, MHum.
Pembantu Dekan III Teguh Imam S, MHum.
F. Teknik Dekan Dr. Titik Penta Artiningsih
Pembantu Dekan I Indarti Komala D, MSi. Ir.
Pembantu Dekan II Singgih Irianto, MSi. Ir.
Pembantu Dekan III Rudie R. Atmawidjaja, Ir.
F. MIPA Dekan Dr. Prasetyorini
Pembantu Dekan I Sri Setyaningsih, MSi. Dra.
Pembantu Dekan II Moerfiah, MSi. Dra.
Pembantu Dekan III Amar Sumarsa, Drs.
Prog. Pascasarjana Direktur Dr. H. M. Entang
Asdir. Bid. Akademik Drs. Eka Suhardi, MSi.
Asdir. Bid. Adm. Umum & Keu. Dr. Rita Retnowati
Ketua PS Mnjm Pddkn Dr. Rita Retnowati
Ketua PS PKLH Dr. Rita Retnowati
Ketua PS Ilmu Hukum Prof. Dr. Paulus E. Lotulung
Ketua PS Manajemen Dr. Hari Gursida
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ketua Aep S. Rochman, MSi. Drs.
Lembaga Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Ketua Sutanto, MSi. Drs.
Lembaga Pengembangan dan Peningkatan Aktivitas Instruksional Ketua Dr. Ina S.S. Adi. Msi. SE.
Biro Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Kepala Hari Muharam, MM. SE.
Biro Admnistrasi Umum Kepala Sugiarto, SE.
Laboratorium Bahasa Kepala Teti Yukesti, MHum.
Laboratorium Komputer Kepala Nizar Kamil, MM. Ir.
Perpustakaan Pusat Kepala Ade S. Natawiria, MPd. Drs.

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