Castlevania Harmony Of Despair Pc Version Download

Where to download Harmony of Despair unofficial PC port? A subreddit for the video game franchise and Netflix Original TV Series Castlevania. There is a EBOOT.BIN that's needed to get the full version of the game google it. Game: Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (NPEB00563) Status: Working. (CPU) PPU Decoder/ Interpreter (fast) SPU Decoder/ Recompiler (ASMJIT) Firmware/ Automatically load required libraries.

General Information
Date Released: 2010Genre: Action
Stages: 6 Chapters + 5 DLC ChaptersSize: N/A
Original System(s)
Xbox 360 (Live Arcade)
Ported To
Playstation 3 (Playstation Network)
.......................... .Alternate Names/Systems
Akumajou Dracula: Harmony of Despair -- translation: Demon Castle Dracula: Harmony of Despair (Japan)

Re-release Information

(1) 2011: Originally an Xbox 360 exclusive, Despair is ported over to the the Playstation 3, available only for download on the Playstation Network

Operation Guide Description



Castlevania: Harmony of Despair is the series' third digital-download-only entry, exclusive to Xbox 360's Live Arcade. Unlike the two previous downloadable titles, it's not a 'main series' entry. No--it's a spin-off and quite frankly, what Castlevania Judgmentshould have been: A series-encompassing crossover where the many heroes of the Castlevania universe team up to take down Dracula and his dark forces in the most ultimate of mash-ups Multiplayer can only be enjoyed online, since each player will require his own screen.

Per Harmony of Despair's vision, anywhere from one to six players can team up and tackle a series of 'chapters' (six in all), each filled with a conglomerate of enemies, background decor, stage themes, and other distinctive elements as ripped from several series games (mainly titles ranging from Rondo of Blood to Order of Ecclesia). Players can choose from one of five Castlevania heroes then opt to go at it alone or pair with five online friends to run through a chosen chapter, where they can bash some baddies (including one or multiple bosses), level up their favorite characters, find new equipment, and reap other rewards. Since all players are concurrently scouring the castle, you're afforded both a normal and 'zoomed-out' camera--an impressive effect that lets you view the entire chapter's map and all its goings-on, including all friend activity, enemy movement, and background animation. One chapter must be cleared before the next is unlocked, and each is timed, putting pressure on the team to quickly complete its task. The game can be enjoyed on normal and hard difficulties, as chosen by the host, plus you can converse with friends using voice chat, and compare your progress via leaderboards.

Since Harmony of Despair is a download-only title, it can of course be augmented with the obligatory DLC. Available are six extra characters (one retro-flavored and another from an entirely different series) and five whole chapters comprised of familiarly themed locales, an expanded enemy roster, and some surprises for longtime series veterans.

Port Differences

Playstation 3: The Playstation Network version has at launch a bit more content than its 360 counterpart, including the previously-DLC-only 'Beauty, Desire, Situation Desire' chapter plus heroes Julius Belmont and Yoko Belnades. All other characters and chapters remain DLC.

The Characters

Heroes: Alucard, Soma Cruz, Jonathan Morris, Charlotte Aulin and Shanoa
DLC Heroes:
Julius Belmont, Yoko Belnades, Maria Renard
, Richter Belmont, Simon Belmont and Mon Fuma
Lesser Enemies:Zombie, Bat, Skeleton, Ghost, Axe Knight, Peeping Eye, Amalaric Sniper, Fleaman, Merman, Spittle Bone, Bone Pillar, Minotaur, Une, Man-Eating Plant, Moldy Corpse, Treant, Persephone, Frozen Shade, Ectoplasm, Imp, White Dragon, Aliorumnas, Yorick, Glasya Labolas, Cave Troll, Medusa Head, Witch, Succubus, Fire Demon, Buer, Lerajie, Gurkha Master, The Creature, Dullahan, Harpy, Skeleton Gunman, Disc Armor, Sea Demon, Mimic, Dead Warrior, Nova Skeleton, Thunder Demon, Specter, Malachi and Final Guard
DLC Lesser Enemies: Mummy, Killer Fish, Fishhead, Ukoback, Warg, Slogra, Gaibon, R. Axe-Man, R. Bat, R. Black Knight, R. Black Leapord, R. Dragon Cannon, R. Eagle, R. Fishman, R. Ghost, R. Hunchback, R. Medusa, R. Raven, R. Red Skeleton, R. Skele-Dragon, R. Skeleton, R. Zombie, Flying Flower, Gyropyre, Hellmont, Kung Fugu, Peepilliary and Pejora's Mask

Bosses:Gergoth, Puppet Master, Menace, Brauner and Death
DLC Bosses:Astarte, Legion, Beezelbub, R. Phantom Bat, R. Queen Medusa, R. Mummy Man, R. The Creature, R. Grim Reaper, R. The Count,Ryukotsuki, Ooxocutioner, Decapiclops and Chimyriad
Dracula Forms:
Dracula Form 1, Dracula Form 2 and Lord Dracula

Soundtrack and Credits

Opening and Ending Themes: 1 - Drone | 2 - Hymnus | 3 - Tractus

Chapter Themes:
1 - Ruined Castle Corridor | 2 - After Confession | 3 - Phantom of Fear | 4 - Gaze Up at the Darkness | 5 - Ebony Wings | 6 - The Colossus | 7 - Hail from the Past | 8 - Lost Painting | 9 - Dracula's Castle | 10 - Vampire Killer | 11 - Vampire Killer (8-bit) | 12 - Stalker (8-bit) | 13 - Wicked Child (8-bit) | 14 - Walking on the Edge (8-bit) | 15 - Heart of Fire (8-bit) | 16 - Out of Time (8-bit) | 17 - Nothing to Lose (8-bit) | 18 - Poison Mind (8-bit) | 19 - Black Night (8-bit) |
20 - Go! Ghetsu Fuhma
Battle Themes:
1 - Into the Dark Night | 2 - Piercing Battle Fury | 3 - Equisse of Violence | 4 - Symphony of Battle | 5 - Order of the Demon | 6 - Dance of Illusions | 7 - Piercing Silence | 8 - Death Ballad | 9 - Festival of Servants | 10 - Nothing to Lose | 11 - Ryu Kokki

Miscellaneous Themes:
1 - Corpse's Gate | 2 - Purple Eyes | 3 - Success | 4 - Game Over | 5 - Game Over (2) | 6 - Game Over (3) | 7 - Game Over (4) | 8 - Game Over (5) | 9 - Tanz mit einem Clown | 10 - Crimson Blood | 11 - Ein Weltherrscher
DLC Rearrangements:1 - Pitiful Scion / The Tragic Prince | 2 - Pitch-Black Intrustion | 3 - An Empty Tone | 4 - Invitiation of a Crazed Moon | 5 - The Hidden Curse | 6 - Heart of Fire / Don't Wait Until Night | 7 - Aquarius | 8 - Slash | 9 - Divine Bloodlines | 10 - Simon's Theme

Music Files: MP3
Soundtrack Release: Official Soundtrack

Game Credits:N/A

Character Lists

Lesser Enemies | Bosses| Dracula Forms


Page Contents
How to PlayHeroes and LimitationsMore Information

How to Play

Coming soon.

Heroes and Limitations

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.
Castlevania harmony of despair pc free download

Castlevania Harmony Of Despair Pc Version Download Full

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

Main Weapon:-
Special System:-
Special Abilities:-
Coming soon.

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